Sunshine Preschool & Pre-K
At Marysville Pre-K
Ages 3-6 Years
"Bright from the Start"
CALL US: 425-231-3351
How do I enroll my child?
Just click the "Enroll Now" button below to be fill out the Enrollment Application.
Once the Enrollment Application is submitted you will receive an invoice for the non-refundable $100.00 Enrollment Fee, your child is not officially enrolled nor is a spot guaranteed for them until this fee is paid.
We use Brightwheel for all preschool activities, you will be asked to create an account to Enroll. (Please enable notifications on your phone so we can communicate with you)

How old does my child need to be to attend Sunshine Preschool?
They must be three or older before August 31st.
What ages are your Classes?
At Sunshine Preschool we teach toward the goal of Kindergarten Readiness. Our classes include preschoolers who vary in ages from 3-5 years old. We have found that instead of having the traditional method of a separate Preschool and Pre-K class, our method of integrating them together allows for learning opportunities that become very valuable.
Over many years we have watched it become obvious that there are several milestones to watch for when talking about whether or not a child is ready for Kindergarten. These include Socially, Emotionally along with the most common Academically. By attending Sunshine Preschool for our full two-year program we are able to watch for each of these milestones, truly get to know your preschooler and then send them off to Kindergarten where the only thing that is new to them is the building, the teacher and some new friends. In every other way they are ready to build on the strong foundation that makes up their educational journey.
What is the cost?
Tuition at Sunshine Preschool is $3500.00 a year, there are several payment plans available to you, most choose the monthly plan of $350.00 a month for 10 months*. A non-refundable fee of $100.00 is due at the time of enrollment.
A one time Materials/Supply Fee of $100.00 will be charged on August 1st. (*August - May)
Learn, Share,
Laugh, Grow
Our Passion
their Future
What our parents have to say:
When we first met Tracy and Kim, I made one of the best decisions of my life, entrusting them with my daughter. Tracy and Kim have become like family, and are dear to all of us. I now have my second daughter all excited and ready to join her big sister, because of their effortless approach to teaching, and knowledge of the basic fundamentals needed to succeed.
~Kacee W.
Does my preschooler need to be potty trained?
Yes, they must be fully potty trained, and able to dress themselves in case of an accident. We do not go into the restroom with any child.
Do I have to work in the Class?
No, there are no requirements to work in our class, however if you want to stay we always love having our parents come and hang out with us. Anyone who works in the classroom must pass a Washington State Patrol Background Check first before they can stay in the classroom.

Preschool, Weather, Special Person, Calendar, Counting, Singing

Using our fine Motor Skills at Sunshine Preschool

Playing in the Kinetic Sand at Sunshine Preschool

Preschool, Weather, Special Person, Calendar, Counting, Singing