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A little Giveaway to Celebrate

It is the end of the school year for us and in the next few weeks so much will be changing for Sunshine Preschool, we wanted to thank our families and readers for all they have done for us for the last 35 years.

After 35 years of renting from the Nazarene Church in Marysville, we are now moving into our own facility and the excitement is building every day as we get to closer to getting our hands on the keys.

A few weeks ago we started to paint our new building and on June 1st we get the keys to start transforming the inside into our dream preschool facility. And in mid-July (fingers crossed) we hope to have an open house to invite you all in to see what we have been busy doing.

Building 2.jpg

So in the spirit of celebration we wanted to have a giveaway. It is simple to enter, all you need to do is share this post on Facebook and tomorrow at 8:00 pm we will have a random drawing to see who the winner is. The only rule is that you do have to be local and you need to be able to pick the prize up in Marysville at the Preschool.

So today since summer is nearly here, we are giving away this AWESOME Pink Sunbeam Snow Cone Maker!

Snow cone maker.jpg

So spread the word about Sunshine Preschool moving.

Tracy and Kim

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